Monday 4 July 2016

Technologies in the Film and TV Industries

Consumer products are technology products that anyone could use allowing almost everyone to have all the equipment needed to create a piece of media from home without using professional equipment. With the ability to make a media creation whenever you want is good for the business in the way that it has a large amount of media being created making there tons of different kinds of media being crated. This also allows many creative types of thing to be made by unknowns with a good idea and can make them an overnight sensation in which then everyone dose it. This can be a bad thing for the industry as there is a overload in content being created making it hard to be noticed. Consumer products can be various different products however it is essentially camera equipment and editing software which are the basic equipment to make a media production. The camera can go up to any price to the priciest cameras to the cheapest either way you can record without the use of professional equipment. The editing software isn't too much money depending on what you want however it is affordable meaning that everyone can easily get access to editing software. In this generation we have advanced technology making are phones just as good as some camera and also have access to phone applications that allow you edit the video with out the use of a computer which makes it ridiculously easy to make a media production. The camera essentially records what you have decided to film and then stores your video on what ever your device uses to store such as SD card after this you can use the storage to upload it to the editing software and then use the software to cut the video and make whatever you planned to make, because of media platforms like YouTube you can directly upload the edited video to the internet.

Satellite TV is a type of broadcasting service that uses Space satellites to give signal to your TV. It works by sending a signal from the satellite from your TV to the satellite and in return sends a signal back to allow your to watch Certain channels. Cable TV is a system that rather than using signals, uses cables to transmit certain channels to the customers sets who have subscribed to there service. This relates to TV and film massively as it makes TV accessible to anyone in the world and gives them the choice of what channels the customers want to watch. Most TV providers use these types of service including Sky, BT and Virgin. When considering these different types of TV services you need to compare them as they have different benefits and different drawbacks. Cable TV is more reliable as it has less outages then the other type of TV services, cable also has a huge variety of channels making it hard to run out of things to watch. Cable also has contracts for the services meaning that you cant just change to a different provider, you would have to buy out your contract to give them the money they would have made or you would have to wait it out paying for a service you don't like. The contract may also be an issue with the fine print always trying to catch you out. This could be that your payment goes up after the first twelve months or something along those line. Satellite TV is accessible as it covers most of the world including developing country's without the hassle of getting the cables laid down, it is also cheaper then cable depending on if you want to buy extra channels, satellite TV has more channels as not only does it allow you to access your own country's channels but international channels are also available. The are some issues with satellite TV the first being that the weather will stop you from being able to use it and not much can be done, the next is that some channels aren't featured because of programming disputes meaning that they don't agree over the money that each side is paying or getting and the channels are pulled from satellite TV. The last drawback would be that some landlord/countries do not allow satellite dishes to be put up so you may not have he choice.

The way we watch TV is by signals being transmitted to are devices and are devices decoding the data to give the picture on screen. Over the years this hasn't changed that much as there was the original TV which was an analogue TV which used signals to receive the brightness, colors and the sound and did this by using different amplitudes or frequency's. Where as now we use digital TV which also uses digital signals to give the TV data so it hasn't changed too much. The analogue TV has now died out with the digital switch-over which means that only digital signals are now given and are no long giving signals to analogue TV's.  

The internet is a great thing to use for TV or Film companies to advertise their productions and to sell their productions, however it is also a massive problem as streaming site have become a huge thing on the internet. This is an issue as it is essentially someone putting the production online for people to watch for free, this is taking money away from the production companies that need to get money back from he production they made. It also could also be used in a good way with the ability to rent or buy the production on certain sites which is the legal way to watch productions online. this way is much better for the business as the companies get there money back and the consumer gets to watch the production at home. The pros of being able to watch productions online is that consumers can watch whatever they want when there want using phones or tablets, another good point is that the company gets more people interested as it can be watched whenever rather than going to the cinema and only getting to watch it that once in that setting(if using the legal version). The issue of this is that it is ruining the the industry when people use these streaming sites.

Interactivity is always a good thing in the media industry as it gives the fans a say in what happens to the productions. This can be relevant as the fans are the ones who are going to spending money on your production and you don't not want to disappoint anyone. This could be in various ways such as revives and reactions to trailers which not only gets people talking about their production but gets feedback from a large amount of people allowing them to change things. This generation heavily relies on other peoples opinion on everything an this also applies to TV and film as people will watch and not watch productions based on people they trust opinions and could ruin a movie if certain people do not like it. It could also be good as you may not care about a certain film but you hear good thing online and may sway you to watch it give the movie company extra money back.

High definition just shows the progress that the media quality has made through the years. High definition gives a high quality viewing making this important for films to have as this will give the audience a greater experience. The greater the picture quality's is important as the better quality of the film in front of them the more the viewers will in-gauge in what is being shown to them. This gives an amazing experience when watching a film as the quality allows to feel in the moment and in the movie with the characters if the quality is bad then you will not feel as amerced.

When 3D was first put into the cinema's it was well received and people specifically chose a movie to see the 3D in it. 3D was a massive step up in technology and was a great way of getting people interested in films. It has kind of died out a little bit, it's still around and people still watch movies in 3D however it isn't as big. 3D works by using the glasses to make each of your eyes see different pictures and then puts the two images together to make it look like it is coming out of the screen.

Technology has changed dramatically in the past couple year with almost everyone one watching TV on demand or streamed. This has made the consumption of media significantly easier. Almost everyone has the ability to watch what they want when they want with the use of services like Netflix or Sky on demand. The ability to do this makes us able to consumer more as we will be watching a favorite TV and will just keep watching and not want to stop. This makes life much more fun as you have the ability to chose what you want to watch and how much you want to watch.

When a special event is on there are pay per views which are essentially you pay for your TV set to be able to show the event live. When the event is over you can no longer watch it through the TV. Pay per view is exactly what it does as you are paying per each TV but to promoters of the event they would count your TV as a view. The reason the event promoters do a pay per view is because they can get the most amount of money out of it as it they put it on a normal TV channel they would have to share the profit. Pay per views are effective as to get a pay per view is not a small as it could be from $4.99 to $54.99 which is a lot to watch an event and most events using pay per view are large events so would sell hundreds of thousands which is a lot of money. The reason this works so well is that it is impossible to watch it any other way unless it is illegal.

When streaming content off of the internet there are two different ways to do it such as streaming or downloading however they have differences. Steaming is basically shared media, media that someone else is putting online from you to click on and watch. The good part is that you wouldn't need to pay for every piece of content you watch and would most likely pay a subscription fee making it cheaper than downloading. The bad part is that you would need to have a good internet connection to get a completely good quality video without buffers or pauses. Not only do you need a good internet connection but if the site or service you are using has high traffic at the time you try to use it then you will get buffers and pauses. You would also need internet meaning you wouldn't be able to watch anything is your internet is out. Downloading on the other hand is taking a media file and copying it to your hard drive and wait for it to be downloaded. The good part is that you do not need internet of any kind and will never have any buffers in less there is something wrong with your computer. You also can copy the file to other hard drives making it available on what ever device you want and it is saved on to your hard drive making it easy to access. The bad part is that is much more expensive to download media as it is about £10.99 for each movie you purchase which will add up to a lot of money. While steamers are paying a monthly subscription and get to watch as many Film or shows as they want. The last difference is that when downloading you can pick which film or show you want out of any in the world however when steaming you can only watch the ones that are given to you.

References › Topics › Computer Science › Electronics

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