Thursday 24 November 2016


United States of America, LA. Luke Smith is 21 and is a salesman for home insurance going door to door trying to sell his insurance to home owners. It is an awful job and Luke hate it. No one buys home insurance from door salesmen anymore and yet his boss makes him go out trying to make a sale. His boss is also his father and has been angry with everyone since Luke's mum died two years ago. At the end of every working day his dad threatens him to either make a sale or he will get fired.

On the other side of town two men working in a gas station both around 30 years old are discussing a plan to rob a wealthy neighborhood. The first man was a man named Kevin who was ambitious with dreams of becoming rich. The second man is the cousin of the Kevin and is called Brandon and is a nonintellectual man with zero common sense and has all his life followed his cousin around like a dog with no future plan for himself. The two men have planned to rob a wealthy neighborhood were a rumor about a couple recently gaining inheritance in cash and decide to go after it.  

The two men arrive at the neighborhood wearing balaclava and gloves and see the couple leave the house so decide to go in, they go to the front door and use a crowbar to open the door. The two men look around house for the money taking anything of value on the way, when an old lady comes out of one of the rooms and proceeds to beat up Kevin with her walking stick until Brandon restrains her. The men tie up the old woman and put her in a cupboard in the kitchen. The men take off their balaclava to talk properly and discuss what to do with the old lady. They decide to leave her for the moment and go back to looking for the money.

Kevin finds a metal box with a large lock in the wardrobe of the couple and presumes its has the money in so takes it downstairs meanwhile their is a knock on the door and a unsupervised Brandon goes to answer it. on the other side of the door is Luke waiting for an answer. Brandon opens the door and converses with Luke and Luke takes it upon himself to barge his way in as no one had even answered the door all day and desperately needed to make a sale.

As Luke enters the house as Kevin comes downstairs and realizes what Brandon has done. After a conversation between the three ends Kevin asks Luke to leave but at this point Luke is suspicious of the two as he had notices their bags full of items and the signs of some kind of fight. Luke decides that he will leave and then call the police but just as he gets up to leave the old lady in the cupboard shouts out for help, Kevin realizes the act is up and goes to grab Luke. Luke tries to make a run for it but gets tackled by Kevin, they then tie up Luke and take him into the kitchen.

Kevin knows that Luke has seen their faces and decides that they are going to have to kill him, Brandon disagrees and for the first time says no to Kevin so they start to argue and fight during the argument Kevin is pushed in front of the cupboard containing the old lady and in that moment the old lady kicks the door open sending Kevin flying into the kitchen the side of a cupboard, knocking him out. As Kevin falls to the floor Luke grabs a crowbar off a table and hits Brandon in the head also knocking him out. Both Kevin and Brandon go to prison. From this experience Luke realized that he enjoyed helping people and decided to join the police force leaving his old boring job.              

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