Monday 16 May 2016

Documentary Types

A documentary is a type of media that is similar to a film 
however more informative and is used to educate or explain a topic or subject. Documentaries most commonly take facts, figures and information and gets professional of the subject to talk about and explain it for viewers to learn. Documentaries can also be used in many other ways such as a documentary used as evidence in a court case as it was made to show that the man falsely accused was innocent and proved that the case did not add up properly and ended up getting the man released. Documentaries can also be used to retell a story or event from different points of view to get a better understanding on what actually happened. Documentaries have other types of plots such as interviewing a certain people or person to get a better understanding of how they live and why they have certain beliefs, this can also be to interview famous people to see what they think about from day to day and what their life consists of. My definition of documentaries is that it is a film based on facts and true events to educate and inform. There are different of Documentaries such as Expository, Observational, Interactive, Reflexive, Performative I will give an example and an explanation of each of these.
Expository documentaries are normally informative and speak directly to the audience with voiceovers from professionals on the subject who use their knowledge to make a strong argument and has point of view throughout. Expository documentary also tries to persuade the audience by using a certain voice to captivate the viewer such as David Attenborough who has a strong deep voice giving a knowledgeable tone to his voice persuading the listener to believe the information that he gives. The example I found for Expository documentaries is an underwater nature documentary called “The blue planet” created and produced by the BBC, it premiered on 12 September 2001 in the United Kingdom. This is a series of documentaries about the ocean and what lives and goes on underneath the surface. The voice over is done by David Attenborough who is probably the most famous nature documentary narrator. It uses a strong, trustable tone of voice persuades the audience into taking all of the information seriously and not doubting the authenticity. This also speaks directly to the audience by aiming the information told to teach the audience, so when explaining something it is intended to be direct to the viewer.

Observational documentaries are the representation of someone’s life using footage music and voice over’s to show the life and story of someone. It has no interaction between the filmmakers and the subject of the documentary. It essentially follows the subject around as they live the life to show their story. It uses footage, dialogue and music to tell the subjects story. Documentary directors use this type to get intimate with the subject and tries to get the audience to relate to the subject and understand his struggles and beliefs. The example I found was a documentary about teen from a poor family who lives in a ghetto and is trying to become a professional basket player and is cal ''Hoops dream''. It follows him on the journey to becoming a semi-professional. It uses footage of him playing basketball and dialogue from him, his friends and family. By the end you relate to his ambition and his desire which makes you want to route for him.

Reflexive documentaries are documentaries that make you think about the outcome and very much focus on mentally challenging the viewer to decide if it was authentic or not, usually done by interviewing different people with different interpretations of events and facts to make stories and information overlap and not fit together. It is essentially used to see different sides of a topic or event from various types of people from different backgrounds and lifestyles. The example I chose was a documentary called “The most hated family in America” which is a documentary about the core members of the Westboro Baptist Church which is a religious group who say very controversial comments about Jewish and Homosexual people and essentially throw hate at them. Their beliefs are very much against certain groups of people believing that God wants them to condemn these certain people. By the end of this documentary you left questioning if these people are real or if they put it on as an act as their beliefs are all over the place and are basically just trying to put all of the world's issues on certain people which is completely unethical. After watching this documentary it left me thinking about the world as a whole and actually left me disappointed that anyone could have these kind of beliefs.

Per-formative documentaries are re-enactments of a certain events or subjects that have people who were involved or know about the topic/event. These types of documentaries usually have the people involved in the event to retell the event from their point of view meaning that it isn't always one-hundred percent accurate. They can also have the people involved to re-enact the event like a play giving their thoughts and feelings on what happened, this was used in the “Act of killing” where mass murderers were told to re-enact what they did to their victims. These types of documentaries are usually very personal and deal with dramatic events getting the emotion from the people in involved and emotions from the person being interviewed. My example is “Night and Fog” which is a documentary made ten years after the liberation of Nazi concentration camps talking to survivors and others involved discovering more about what actually happened and got the thoughts and feeling of who was involved.  

Interactive documentaries are  documentary's that has interaction with the filmmakers and the people being filmed and throughout the documentary there is communication from the man behind the camera, in some cases are actually on camera and can be seen. It is essentially just the person behind the camera who would not be heard or seen have a massive presence. The example I have chosen was “Bompton” which is a documentary about Compton and the massive issues they have with gang violence. This is mainly based around the famous rapper Kendrick Lamar who grew up in Compton and due to his fame has been able to leave. This documentary follows him as he revisits his past and talks about his struggles and beliefs. It also follows his friend’s stories and how they dealt with the day to day struggle that Compton gave them. In this documentary you can see the filmmaker giving interviews and can also be heard giving his opinion and asking further questions to what is said. 

In conclusion I believe that all of the documentary types have their own benefits and drawbacks however my personal favorite is the observational documentary i love the idea of following a real person around and finding out about his/her life and seeing their story unfold. This is also very authentic as it follows someones life which means they cant lie about them self. The point of this type from a directors view is to not have a opinion on the subject and not be bias which also links into authenticity as if the director inst being bias then the audience wont be lent to a certain side and can have their own opinion.    


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